It’s earth hour again this weekend, that one hour of the year when we all sit around in the dark to show that we care. To help pass the time and as candles will be the order of the day, this year we’ve decided to pull out the dessert fondue set have a chocolate orange fondue to mark the occasion.
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150g dark chocolate buttons
100ml cream
30ml orange liqueur
1 apple
1 orange
6 strawberries
6 marshmallows
Prepare the orange, first peel it and then slice it up into bite sized pieces.
Repeat this process with the apple.
Prepare the fondue mixture.
Add the cream and orange liqueur to a saucepan and put it on a low to medium heat stirring from time to time.
As the cream approaches the boiling point, remove it from the heat and pour it into the melted chocolate.
You need to stir the chocolate mixture as you slowly pour in the cream.
Transfer the chocolate orange fondue mixture to the fondue dish and set it above the candle in the base.
Light the candle and arrange the apple, orange, strawberries and marshmallows nicely around the base.
Note: You can substitute or add to the list of different things to be dipped into the chocolate in any way that you like. Banana for instance, works very well too.
Preperation time:
Yield: Serves 2
Recipe By Martin, Flavoursome Delights
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