Yoghurt Pancakes served with Roasted Hazelnuts Honey and Berry Coulis
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Yoghurt Pancakes
with Roasted Hazelnut Honey and Berry Coulis.

Yoghurt Pancakes with Roasted Hazelnut Honey and Berry Coulis.

A breakfast with a difference. This batter is very versatile and the quantities are easily doubled. You can serve the pancakes with sweet or savoury toppings.

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Ingredients for the Pancake batter: (makes 8-10 pancakes)
25g Melted butter
100g Greek Style Yoghurt
2 eggs, beaten
50g Self Raising Flour
1 tbsp of Milk

To serve:
Greek style yoghurt
1 tsp Roasted Hazelnuts Honey or any honey of your choice

Ingredients for the Berry coulis:
2 cups of Frozen Mixed Berries or any berry of your choice
10g of butter
1 tbsp of caster sugar


Mix butter and yoghurt

Step 1

In a bowl, mix the melted butter with the yoghurt. Ensure that the butter is not to hot as the mix could curdle.

Step 2

Add 2 beaten eggs to the yoghurt mix, at this stage you should obtain a thick and creamy consistency.

Add beaten eggs.
Add flour and milk

Step 3

Add the flour and then the milk. Mix thoroughly; the mixture should be smooth without any lumps.

Leave the pancake batter to rest for 15minutes.

Step 4

Meanwhile, prepare the berry coulis. Place the berries in a saucepan with the butter and the sugar. Cook the berries on a low heat for 10 minutes.

Prepare the berry coulis
Cook the pancakes

Step 5

In a hot pancake pan, put one tablespoon of the batter at the time. Once you notice small “bubbles” on the top of the pancake, you can flip it over. Cook the pancake on the other side for another minute.

Serve the pancakes with the berry coulis and with some Greek style yoghurt drizzled with Honey.

Tip: If you want to make cocktail-size pancakes, use a teaspoon of the batter at the time when cooking.

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