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Blueberry Coulis

Blueberry Coulis

I first made a blueberry coulis when I was trying to make my own marshmallows and wanted to give them a hit of colour without the need for any synthetic food colourings. This is the recipe I came up with. Surprisingly flavourful and beautifully simple, I just love it.

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125g Fresh Blueberries
2 tbsp sugar
50ml water


Cook the blueberries

Place the ingredients in a saucepan. Put over a medium heat until it starts to simmer. Simmer gently for about six minutes stirring occasionally. When stirring, it is quite ok to crush the fruit a little to release the juice.

Pour the berry mixture into a mini food processor or blender and process it until you have a smooth liquid. This should take less than a minute or so.

puree the berry mixture
force the puree through a seive

After processing, take a bowl and place a sieve over it. Pour the berry mixture into the sieve and work it through with the back of a spoon.
The blueberry coulis will collect in the bowl while the residue in the sieve can be discarded. The coulis is now ready to use.

Preperation time:
Yield: 130 - 150ml coulis
Recipe By , Flavoursome Delights

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